Alohaaa my beloved readers! I'm deeply madly sorry that I haven't post anything for awhile, whereas I've promised to post my Ne...
Ola guys! First post in 2017, I just wanna say Happy New Year 2017 readers, let's be a better person than last year and let's make ...
Hi guys! I'm back with another cafe review after dissapearing for about 1 month, I think? eventho my last post isn't about a cafe r...
Guys, I'm so stressed out about my university things and it's orientation week. Is it just me who always overthinks everything or ...
Malang is often known as the city of the students, it makes a lot of cafes in Malang providing food and drinks at a bargain price that fi...
Hi! A newbie here, thankyou for visiting this blog. I hope you like my posts that mostly about food lol. Don't forget to support this blog simply by clicking g+1. Enjoy, xoxo.
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Foodie Instagram : @banyuwangifoodie : @evelynetirta
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